
Fetal Anomalies Resource Library
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This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies.
This reference is broken out into several modules and offers members access to discuss the content through the SMFM online community for fetal anomalies.
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Abdominal Wall Defects
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes ectopia cordis; body stalk anomaly; omphalocele; gastroschisis; cloacal exstrophy; and bladder exstrophy.
Adnexal Masses
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes minimum required views; corpus luteum; endometrioma; dermoid; pedunculated fibroid; degenerating fibroid; ovarian cancer; decidualized endometrioma; ectopic pregnancy; and ovarian torsion.
Cardiac Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes ventricular septal defect, atrioventricular septal defect, Ebstein anomaly, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, coarctation of aorta, tetralogy of Fallot, D-transposition of great arteries, right aortic arch, premature atrial contractions, supraventricular tachycardia, and complete atrioventricular block.
Cervical Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes cervical shortening and cervical ectopic pregnancy.
Complex Monochorionic Pregnancies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes TTTS, TAPS, SIUGR, TRAP, MC/MA and conjoined twins.
Extremity Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes amniotic band sequence, arthrogryposis, clubfoot, polydactyly, and radial ray malformation.
Facial Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes unilateral cleft lip and palate; bilateral cleft lip and palate; micrognathia; single nostril and proboscis; microophthalmia; hypotelorism; and absent nasal bone.
Gastrointestinal Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes duodenal obstruction; jejunoileal obstruction; echogenic bowel; hepatic calcifications; gallstones; intra-abdominal cyst; persistent right umbilical vein; meconium peritonitis.
Genitourinary Tract Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes hydronephrosis; bladder outlet obstruction; posterior urethral valves; urinoma; multicystic dysplastic kidney; duplicated collecting system; ectopic ureterocele; fetal ovarian cyst; hydroureter; hypospadias; adrenal neuroblastoma; pelvic kidney; and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).
Intracranial Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes anencephaly/exencephaly sequence; echogenic amniotic fluid (EAF); posterior encephalocele; alobar holoprosencephaly; agenesis of the corpus callosum; absent cavum septi pellucidi; vein of Galen malformation; ventriculomegaly; Dandy-Walker malformation; Blake’s pouch cyst; cavum veli interpositi (CVI) cyst; and arachnoid cyst.
Placenta, Membranes, and Cord Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes chorionicity at 4 to 6 weeks; amnionicity at 7 to 8 weeks; monochorionic/diamniotic pregnancy at 9 weeks; dichorionic/diamniotic pregnancy at 11 to 12 weeks;
chorionicity/amnionicity: fused placenta; chorionicity/amnionicity: membrane origin; placental cord Insertions; types of placentae; circumvallate placenta; placental separation (abruption); placenta in complete first-trimester molar pregnancy; placenta in Incomplete first-trimester molar pregnancy; placental cysts; subchorionic hemorrhage; subplacental hemorrhage; chorionic bump; placental hemangioma; umbilical cord cyst in early pregnancy; placental lakes; placental lobulation; placental lacunae: first trimester; placental lacunae: second and third trimesters; morbidly adherent placenta; indication of normal 3-vessel cord; cord entanglement: first trimester; cord entanglement: second and third trimester; nuchal cord; forelying vessel (vas previa/vasa previa).
Placental Circulation Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes uterine artery (UtA) normal doppler; UtA abnormal doppler; umbilical artery (UA): normal doppler; UA normal doppler waveform; UA absent end-diastolic velocity; UA reversal of end-diastolic velocity; middle cerebral artery; ductus venosus normal waveform; ductus venosus absent and reversal of flow.
Skeletal Dysplasias
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes achondroplasia; thanatophoric dysplasia; osteogenesis imperfecta (OI); OI II lethal perinatal; campomelic dysplasia; short-rib polydactyl; Jarcho-Levin Syndrome; achondrogenesis; hypophosphatasia; chondrodysplasia punctata; arthrogryposis multiplex congenita; asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia; and craniosynostosis.
Spinal Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes neural tube defect: meningocele; neural tube defect: myelomeningocele; neural tube defect: myeloschisis; caudal regression sequence; sacrococcygeal teratoma; kyphosis/scoliosis; and hemivertebrae.
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes cystic pulmonary adenomatoid malformation (CPAM); CPAM volume ratio; bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS); congenital lobar emphysema (CLE); bronchogenic cyst; esophageal duplication cyst; pleural effusion (PE); unilateral pulmonary agenesis; esophageal atresia (EA) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF); congenital high airway obstruction (CHAOS); and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).
Umbilical Cord Anomalies
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
This resource is a collaboration between the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and AIUM to support a stronger, more consistent understanding of fetal anomalies. This module includes umbilical cord varix; 2-vessel cord; umbilical cord cyst; and velamentous cord insertion.