
Banner Health In-person Critical Care Course 2022: Hypertensive Emergencies

Please complete the following components prior to the Banner Health Critical Care in Obstetrics in-person course:

Pre-test Quiz


Lecture Slides

Post-test Quiz


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Hypertensive Emergencies in Pregnancy Pre-Test Quiz
6 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/6 points to pass
6 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/6 points to pass
Hypertensive Emergencies Lecture
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Open to view video. Lecturer: Torre Halscott, MD Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD There are no conflicts of interest to disclose. Objectives: 1. Identify systolic and diastolic thresholds for hypertensive emergency. 2. List causes of hypertensive emergency in pregnancy. 3. Identify maternal and fetal sequelae of undertreated hypertensive emergency. 4. Identify appropriate pharmacologic therapy for acute hypertension. 5. Understand the complications and associated outcomes with hypertensive emergency. References: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Safe Motherhood Initiative: Severe Hypertension. 2020. Available at Accessed September 14, 2021.
Hypertensive Emergencies Lecture Slides
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Open to download resource. Lecture Objectives 1.Identify systolic and diastolic thresholds for hypertensive emergency. 2.List causes of hypertensive emergency in pregnancy. 3. Identify maternal and fetal sequelae of undertreated hypertensive emergency. 4.Identify appropriate pharmacologic therapy for acute hypertension. 5.Understand the complications and associated outcomes with hypertensive emergency. References American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Safe Motherhood Initiative: Severe Hypertension. 2020. Available at Accessed September 14, 2021.
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Hypertensive Emergencies in Pregnancy Post-Test Quiz
6 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  5/6 points to pass
6 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  5/6 points to pass