
Banner Health In-person Critical Care Course 2022: Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy

Please complete the following components prior to the Banner Health Critical Care in Obstetrics in-person course:

Pre-test Quiz


Lecture Slides

Post-test Quiz


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Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Pre-Test Quiz
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Lecture
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Open to view video. Lecturer: Stephanie Martin, DO Clinical Concepts in Obstetrics, Scottsdale, AZ No disclosures to declare Lecture Objectives 1. List the major causes of acquired heart disease 2. Understand the impact of different lesions on pregnancy care and outcomes including: a. Cardiomyopathy b. Valvular heart disease c. Mitral stenosis d. Arrhythmias e. Coronary artery disease/Myocardial infarction f. Cardiac Transplantation 3. Describe the care and delivery alterations to patients with cardiac disease
Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Lecture Slides
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Open to download resource. Lecturer: Stephanie Martin, DO Clinical Concepts in Obstetrics, Scottsdale, AZ No disclosures to declare Lecture Objectives 1. List the major causes of acquired heart disease 2. Understand the impact of different lesions on pregnancy care and outcomes including: a. Cardiomyopathy b. Valvular heart disease c. Mitral stenosis d. Arrhythmias e. Coronary artery disease/Myocardial infarction f. Cardiac Transplantation 3. Describe the care and delivery alterations to patients with cardiac disease
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Enter code to continue. Please enter the provided verification code to access the post-test.
Acquired Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Post-Test Quiz
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass