
Critical Care in Obstetrics Course 2023: Sepsis in Pregnancy (No CME)

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This Critical Care in Obstetrics Online Course topic consists of the following:

Pre-test Quiz


Lecture Slides

Post-test Quiz

Upon completion of the components in this topic, the learner will be able to:

1.Explain the importance of the diagnosis and recognition of sepsis in pregnancy

2.Discuss the management of sepsis in pregnancy

3.Detail adjuncts to care in sepsis that may be applicable in pregnancy


Sepsis in Pregnancy Pre-Test Quiz
4 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/4 points to pass
4 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/4 points to pass
Sepsis in Pregnancy Lecture
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Lecture Objectives: 1.Understand the definition of SIRS and Sepsis 2. Be able to describe the appropriate initial steps in the management of sepsis during pregnancy 3. Understand early-goal directed therapy for sepsis 4. List how pregnancy physiology makes sepsis both difficult to identify, and treat in pregnant people
Sepsis in Pregnancy Lecture Slides
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Open to download resource.
Sepsis in Pregnancy Case Study
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  0/5 points to pass
Sepsis in Pregnancy Post-test Quiz
4 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  3/4 points to pass
4 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  3/4 points to pass