
Critical Care in Obstetrics Course 2023: Obstetric Hemorrhage Bundle (No CME)

  • Registration Closed

This Critical Care in Obstetrics Online Course Bundle consists of the following:

Placenta Accreta Spectrum

Postpartum Hemorrhage and Massive Transfusion

Sepsis in Pregnancy

Understanding DIC and the Coagulation Cascade

This bundle expires on January 17, 2024.  

In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence, Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) requires that individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with any ineligible company. GLC mitigates all conflicts of interest to ensure independence, objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor in all its educational programs. Please see the relevant financial relationship report in each Critical Care topic. 


In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. GLC is jointly accredited by the American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 

Shad Deering, MD (Topic: Maternal Cardiac Arrest) – Royalties: US Army patented and licensed OB Simulator

Michael Foley, MD (Topics: Finally Understanding DIC and Understanding Blood Pressure Physiology) – Employee: Sera Prognostics

Karin Fox, MD (Topic: Overdose in Pregnancy) – Research: NICHD Grant Funding; Royalties: Wolters-Kluwer, UptoDate; Symposia Medicus Lectures

Dena Goffman, MD (Topics: Effective Teamwork and Communication During Obstetric Emergencies) – Research: Alydia (Jada); Consultant: Organon Jada Advisory, Cooper Surgical OB Safety; Other: PPH Education-Haymarket, Laborie

Connie Graves, MD (Topic: Respiratory Failure) – Research funded by University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Kendra Gray, DO (Topics: Endocrine Emergencies: DKA and Endocrine Emergencies: Thyroid Storm) – Consultant: Lupin Pharmaceuticals

Torre Halscott, MD, MS (Topic: Hypertensive Emergencies) – Consultant: Pascal Metrics, expert reviewer for clinical events

Deirdre Lyell, MD-(Topic: Obstetric Trauma) Ownership Interest: ZenFlow stock owner; Bloomlife stock options

Stephanie Martin, DO (Topics: Acquired Heart Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension) – Consultant: Clinical Computer Systems, Shield Therapeutic; Other: Daiichi Sankyo